Blog, The Royal Opera

The ‘Ring’ Preparation…

In a time before Netflix and chill, the delights of the Amazon Prime binge, or marathon-ing the ‘Lord of the Rings’ extended editions in a single day there was the ‘Ring’ Cycle … and if you hadn’t already heard me wittering on about it since bagging tickets back in November 2017, I, along with two brave (and somewhat foolish) comrades, am headed to see Wagner’s ‘Ring’ at the Royal Opera House this Autumn.

Continue reading “The ‘Ring’ Preparation…”

Welsh National Opera

Encore: ‘Lohengrin’, lighting, and a lot of love

Happy Valentine’s Day! Here at ‘Willetts On Opera’ I thought what better way to celebrate the power of love (no, not quite like Frankie) than by glancing back to three years ago when I was lucky to witness a particularly love-fuelled performance of Lohengrin. Sit back, press play on the Wedding March (dum dum d’-duuuhm), and prepare yourselves for a seriously adorable YouTube clip… Continue reading “Encore: ‘Lohengrin’, lighting, and a lot of love”